
All students complete a practicum internship as part of their degree requirements. The internship typically takes one semester for M.S. students and one year for M.D./M.S. students, and is conducted in parallel with other coursework. Upon completion, the internship is expected to result in a peer-reviewed publication or a poster, allowing students to graduate with publication experience as well as professional connections.

Past Projects

A Systematic Review of Toxicity Effects Concerning Prostate Cancer
Shaine Eden, B.S., Min Ji Koh, B.A., Simeng Suy, Ph.D, Sean P. Collins, M.D, Ph.D

Building Data to Train AI: Exploring LDLR Class A Repeats Using Biomedical Informatics Approach
Nabeel K. Qureshi, Matthew McCoy

Knockout of the Cholecystokinin B Receptor Shifts Pancreatic Fibroblasts Toward Quiescence and Reduces Crosstalk with Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Miranda Ortega, Hong Cao, Wenqiang Chen, Narayan Shivapurkar, Jill P. Smith

The Development of Therapeutic Approaches for Breast Cancer
Lina Khalifa, Alfredo Velena, Mira Jung

Evaluating the Efficacy of Chemotherapy Agents for Prostate Cancer
Arshdeep Kaur, Alfredo Velena, and Mira Jung

Impact of Peer-Led, Group Interventions on Parents’ and Children’s Mental Health
Christina Florendo, Dr. Erica Coates, Katherine Hayes, MS, C. Scott Dorris, MLIS, AHIP